Coconut water is naturally sterile water and contain high levels of chlorine, potassium, and chlorine is high. In the food industry, coconut water used as raw material in the manufacture of soy sauce and nata de coco. While in a fresh, young coconut water is a refreshing drink.
Chemical substances Another prominent form of the enzyme that can break down toxic properties. Composition of chemical substances contained in coconut water, among others, ascorbic acid or vitamin C, protein, fat, carbohydrate, and calcium or potassium. coconut water contained minerals like phosphorus, iron, and sugar consisting of fructose, glucose and sucrose. Per 100 grams of coconut contained 95.5 grams of water content.
In general, the coconut is used to treat poisoning, morbili, heartburn, fever, influenza, dengue fever, urinary stones, pain during menstruation, pin worms, toothache, gray hair, and dandruff.
The following benefits of drinking coconut water:
- Coconut water as a diuretic, which is to expedite expenditure of urine.
- Coconut water mixed with lemon juice useful to treat dehydration, as well as to combat worms in the stomach of the child.
- Milk mixed with coconut water is very good for children's food. The mixture of coconut water has benefits to prevent clotting of milk in the abdomen, throw up, constipated, and indigestion.
- Coconut water can cure or eliminate acne, dark spots, wrinkles are coming in early, dry skin, and the face became radiant. Usage is done by washing the face regularly every day.
- Coconut water mixed with honey is inexpensive tonic, but efficacious. This Potion stimulates the body's sexual centers and negate the harmful effects of excess sex drive.
- Coconut water is also good as a cure chronic bronchitis, constipation, and hemorrhoids.
- Coconut water can cure acne. Ways of making potions are as follows: 25 g turmeric paste mixed with a glass of coconut water and left overnight, then added with 3 teaspoons of red sandalwood powder. Stir in all ingredients until evenly, then set aside (save) again undisturbed for 3 days. The potion then filtered with three layers of gauze, stored in a bottle, to use rub on your face twice a day until the acne is gone.
- Coconut water as a medicine wounds, rashes, broken foot, and eczema. As a way of making potions are as follows: a handful of rice marinated in young coconut water with its shell until the rice turns sour because of fermentation, then the rice is milled until become flour (smooth pureed). Rice flour is applied daily for 3-4 days in sick body part.
- Coconut water mixed with a pinch of turmeric powder and water whiting in equal measure, can be used to cure burns injuries.
- Coconut water mixed with lemon water and be taken regularly, useful as a medicine for dengue fever.
- Green coconut water can be used to prevent the growth of gray hair. Combine coconut milk with 1 teaspoon salt and used for hair wash.
- Benefits of drinking coconut water which regularly taken in the morning can make voice become soft and melodious.
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